Deukmejian, George statement


Transcript of George Deukmejian statement


Deukmejian, George statement


Testimonial video for Leon S. Peters Legacy project.


Deukmejian, George


Leon S. Peters Legacy Collection


Fresno, California


Microsoft word 2003 document, 1 page



extracted text

>>George Deukmejian: It is a high honor for me to participate in this
testimonial video for a great man, Leon Peters. Leon was a highly successful
businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. I became acquainted with Leon
and his charming wife, Alice, when I began to seek election to the Office of
Attorney General. My first and lasting impression of Leon Peters was that he had
quiet confidence that filled a room. He was intelligent, thoughtful, and
pragmatic. When he gave me his commitment of support, it influenced many others
to follow his lead because of the great respect that they had for him. He and
Alice continued to support me in my election campaigns for Governor and
throughout the eight years that I served in that office. My wife, Gloria, joins
me in remembering and recognizing the many contributions made by Leon and Alice
Peters to the Central Valley, our state, and nation. I will always remember his
genuine friendship and support. Thank you.
==== Transcribed by Automatic Sync Technologies ====
>>George Deukmejian: It is a high honor for me to participate in this
testimonial video for a great man, Leon Peters. Leon was a highly successful
businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. I became acquainted with Leon
and his charming wife, Alice, when I began to seek election to the Office of
Attorney General. My first and lasting impression of Leon Peters was that he had
quiet confidence that filled a room. He was intelligent, thoughtful, and
pragmatic. When he gave me his commitment of support, it influenced many others
to follow his lead because of the great respect that they had for him. He and
Alice continued to support me in my election campaigns for Governor and
throughout the eight years that I served in that office. My wife, Gloria, joins
me in remembering and recognizing the many contributions made by Leon and Alice
Peters to the Central Valley, our state, and nation. I will always remember his
genuine friendship and support. Thank you.
==== Transcribed by Automatic Sync Technologies ====

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