La Voz de Aztlan, May 5 1985


La Voz de Aztlan, May 5 1985


La Voz de Aztlan, May 5 1985


Associated Students of Fresno State


La Voz de Aztlan (Daily Collegian, California State University, Fresno)


Fresno, California







extracted text

a Voz de Aztlan
CSU, Fresno

Semana De La Raza Special Edition


Semana de la Raza

page 2

Cinco de Mayo

Dia De Las Madres _ __
I sit by the window gazing out at the open field
full of wild flowers and watch the ground squirrels
scampering about. I try to do my work, but my
thoughts keep straying to my mother, I remember
one day especially, when I was about four, and can
picture myself clearly as I stand in front of her with
my hands behind my back.
"Ya se l/ega el dies de mayo
y cornienzo a preparar,
un linda canastita
para mi bµena mama.
Tiene flores,
tiene rosas y clave/es y malvon.
Te la presento mamacita
con todo mi corazon."
Con el corazon Ueno de amor, le presento la flor,
ya marchitada a mi mama y ella con una sonrisa se
agacha y me dan un gran abrazo y dice, "Gracias
Otra vez comienzo mis que .haceres; but I'm lost
once more in my day dreams. Como paginas en un
album de fotografias, retratos de mi mama pasan
por mi mente. I see her sitting at the table, with a
screw driver in her hand taking the iron apart
because it won't heat. I think she is so wonderfully
smart because she put all the pieces together again
and it worked!
She's dragging the huge, long sack to the weighing
machine. The men and women mill around the
truck bed as the field boss puts the sack on the
scale. They're all laughing and teasing because

"Choche" is the best cotton picker around and
none of the men have been able to beat her record.
Today one boastful braggart is sure he has, but her
bag weights two pounds more than his does and all
her friends cheer. I'm so pround I nearly burst with
Walking very late at night, I see her reading a
book by the light of an oil lamp. The next day, in
the coolness of the early morning, while she does
the ironing for the gringo ranchers, she tells the
stories in Spanish to las vesinas who gather around.
I remember the comments and the exclamations of
admiration they make as she draws word pictures
for them. "Fijate!" "Ai! Que maravilloso." "De
verp'i'>" Oh the pride I feel as I listen to women. The
ltorie'b are forgotten but not the wonder, or the
fragrance of the hot iron on the cotton cloth.
Traveling to California so that she can give us a
better life; we a rrive at a place called Kingsburg. A
man hires us to pick grapes, but there's nowhere for
us to live except the open field; so she gets some
fruit drying trays and erects a lean-to. She gets
some wooden boxes together, turns them upside
down and makes our bed. Then we help gather
river rocks so she can build a camp fire to cook our
supper. I watch in wonder an believe there's
nothing she can't do.
She taught us by example, and she never asked
anyone to do something she wouldn't do herself.
Thank You Mama! I'm so glad God gave you me. I
love you. Happy Mother's Day.
Consuelo Gallegos Biggers

Ya se acercan las celebraciones de que sale de Aztlan que es elegido por que los grupos de origen caucaciano, que fue el imperio espanol y posterior''La Raza" que duraran toda una los dioses para peregrinar y llegar blancos, son los grupos que basica- mente nuestras naciones latinoamerisemana. En est a ocasi!n las ce- hasta ·el lugar elejido que es donde la mente han dominado las sociedades canas.
/ebraciones se 1/evaran a cabo del 29 serpiente esta parada sobre un nopal coloniales, las sociedades indepenComo forma de reaccionar ante
de Abril al 3 de Mayo.
comiendose a una serpiente.
dientes, las sociedades "naciones" en est a do min a c i o n b 1an ca , 1a
Todo parece estar dispuesto y
Esa es parte de la leyenda de un Ame'f ica Latina.
palabra "ta Raza" refl~a primero
todos parecen tener una idea c/ara pueblo privilegiado que es capaz de
Pero sin embargo ha existido en que todo la diferenciacion con estos
de lo que se celebrarr.
tomaryd~rigireldestinodeunanaci6n. diversos perio~os de tiempo como grupos blancos y la glorificacion de
Yo no sabfa mucho de/ asunto y se
Porquelosgruposaparecendefinidos una idealizacion de lo que es in- aqellos aspectos que son nativ~s
me ocurrit' entrenistar al doctorrk
➔~ pero que sn embargo t a m bien
Manuel Figueroa-profesor de "La
contienen elementos de caracter
Raza Studies" quien me dio buenas
~ •
~ "La Raza" por lo tanto es un
"Hay dos formas de ver la
termino que implica primero que
definici&n o la conotaci&n de!
todo un espiritu comunitario, es
tfrmino"LaRaza". Unaeslaqueyo
~decir, algo que se comparte entre
dirfa la conotaci8n de car~ter
toda la gente que mas alla" de las
formal, ideal, normativa; la otra es
ideas polit icas, mas alla de los
de conotacid"n que dirt'amos de
"* , >tr ,J. Wk
.,,. . -rtMk
problemas de clases hay algo que es
conotacion que diriamos de caracter como" La Raza?" Por queaparecen dfgena. Durante la revolucion igual para todos aquellos que viven
definidos en fro ma racial en vez de mexicana, por ejemplo, aparece muy en esas regiones, y es su origen
En el fondo se trata del mismo verse definidos en forma de grupos claro todo lo que se llama "mexica- racial.
concepto, pero visto desde dos humanos o tribus?
nismo," el espiritu del mexicanismo
"La Raza" aparece por lo tanto
perspectivas difersntes. Desde una
. Porq~e ~~sicamente es fruto de la que es una vuelta al yasado, una como un termino glorificante. Un
perspectiva academica, el termino d1ferenc1ac16n entre_,Srupos humanos vuelta a las ra:ices indtgenas , to mar termino que lo saca de su situacion
"La Raza" ejemplifica una mezcla que apar~ce despues de la conquista. los elementos indigenas y tratar de subyugada, de su situacion doentre dos culturas y el pu~to racial Desp~e:s durante el periodo de plasmarlos en la realidad mexicana minada, y la transforma en algo
de ellas: la cultura hispanica y la c~l~mahsmo y el periodo de domina- que existia en ese momento.
glorificante. de la misma forma en
cultura nativa india en latinoam'frica. c1on espanola, y posteriormente, el
Esto es muy claro en todos los que durante la revolucion mexicana
El termino "La Raza" est{ por lo nacimiento o division que aparece murales, por ejemplo, en Mexico del y posteriormente todo el espiritu
tanto definiendo parte de lo que es el en nuestras naciones enJre el grupo mexicano en la epoca de la revolucion indigena fue glorificado, fue cammestizaje.
blanco y el grupo indTgena, difer- en la cual se ve como tod~ una biado , fue transformado en algo
Tiene. tamb1en una conotacion enciacion que es de caracter racial y exhaltacion de los valores indigenas. positivo, algo bello, algo imp orc6smica que es muy i~eresante. La tambien de caracter de clase. Dos Si uno observa, por ejemplo, los tante.
leyenda azteca tambien coloca a La diferencia ciones.
murales que existen en el palacio de
Por ejemplo, una indicacion de
Raza azteca, el grupo azteca, como
Si uno observa la historia de como el Zocalo en Mexico, lo que hay es la eso es dentro de la cinematografia
al grupo elegido por los dioses para estos dos o tres grupos raciales se historia de la glorificacion de lo mexicana donde se glorifica al indio.
constituirse en el grupo dominante comportan a lo largo del proceso de indigena, y justamente la condena, Hay varias peliculas,.por ejemplo, la
dentro del imperio azteca. Por lo colonialismo, del proceso de inde- la denuncia, de las atrocidades de los per/a, Macario en las cuales el indio
tanto tiene raiz indigena. E_s el grupo pendencia, lo que parece claro es espanoles y los blancos dentro de lo
see Ra za, Page 3

JQ ue E s La Raz a •?




Semana de la Raza

continue from page 2

aparece como poseyendo todas las
grandes virtudes que no existen en el
blanco. Por lo tanto "La Raza"
tambien habla de virtudes que son
comunes a ese grupo y que escacean
en otros. La virtud del carino, la
compasion, la honradez, etc. aparecen como virtudes encarnadas en
ese grupo y que aparecen los otros
grupos como no teniendolas. Los
blancos aparecen como egoistas,
ladrones, sinverguenzas, etc.
"La Raza" es un termino
glorificante. Es un termino que exhalta
las vitudes de un grupo que ha sido
historicamente subyugado como es
el grupo latino, el grupo mestizo
sobre todo.

Sentido Fatalista
Si vas al campo y alguien se
emborracho: " AH QUE RAZA!

lo que se celebra es basicamente la
autodeterminacion, la necesidad que
tiene los grupos humanos para autodeterminarse. Segundo, se esta
celebrando el deseo de Mexico de
defender su independencia, de no ser
invadido, de no ser dominado por
fuerzas extranjeras.
Eso se traduce aca como el deseo
de la comunidad de tambien poder
vivir dentro de esta sociedad en
forma independiente sin ser discriminad os sin ser prejuiciados y sin ser
diferencia dos racialmente.
El concepto por la tanto es de
independencia. La celebracion del 5
de mayo aca tiene una conotacion de
deseo de libertad, deseo de independencia de ser libres en una
sociedad en la cual no lo son.
"La Raza" tiene sentido positivio.
Es lo que la comunidad tiene en
comun. No emporta cuan diferente
seamos en ingresos, ese aspecto es
comun. Nadie nos lo puede guitar
porque situ te miras al espejo y yo
me miro al espejo, somos "Raza."
Siempre vamos a ser eso, nos guste o
no nos guste."

page 3

Donde Pertenezco?

"Cuando se 1/egue la Noche Buena
voy a pedirle a Santa Claus, pues
que me traiga una morena, y que
si puede me traiga dos ...
Porque las gueras descoloridas
son desabridas para el amor. "

La l_lubia nina chiq~ita, de ojos verdes estaba parada muy
derech1ta, con SUS mamtas hechas nudos, volteandose mientras
los demas ninos tomados de las manos la rodeaban, cantando ese
verso tan hiriente. "Pero no llorre" ella pensaba.
Al fin la dulce voz de su abuelita la llama y se van corriendo los
que la atormentaban y ella corre y se arroja a los brazos de la
unica persons
en todo el mundo que lac quiere sin condiciones '
C on ella s1 se puede mostrar cuanto doha el hiriente verso de esos
ninos. "Ya, ya querida, no Hores, Dias te ama." Quien es este
"Dios"? Y si me quiere tanto, porque los deja que me hagan

La Raza - diflnlclon popular
La definicion popular no es un
termino glorificante, es un termino
"Ahora, es bien sabido que el
justificante. Justifica la existencia
de los terminos cambia
de determinado tipo de debilidades. ·
Llego el dia en que dejan atras su tierra, su casa, y la gente
Una forma es la
Como el que tiene cita a las 10:00
para viajar a California. Temprano en una manana paran
palabra Chicano que por cierto
pero llega hasta la I :00. " HA QUE
para descansar. Mientras los demas entran a una
tiempo tuvo una conotacion negaRAZA! SOMOS ASI."
se quedo afuera, observando todo lo que veia
tiva, de desprecio a los miembros de
Si en una fiesta se comete un
lo que ella habia conocido anterior"La Raza."
atropello "Ah que Raza!"
y todo tan verde. Escucha que viiene
Sin embargo si observas durante
En el norte se usa mucho.
y con una sonrisa a ver quien pasa.
los 60's y 70's es un termino que
El termino tiene conotacion
You dirty Mexican greasers!"
adquiere un nuevo sentido. Es un
negativa. Esta diciendo, "Bueno
termino que suplica necesariamente
pues que le vamos a hacer. Todos
una persona con muy claras ideas
Como una punalada al corazon, el dolor comienza otra vez.
tenemos defectos." Y estos defectos
aqui no hay abuelita que la conforte y ayude y comienza
son comunes porque todos provenotra
Pero aqui no hay abuelita que la conforte y ayude y
imos de ese origen.
a !!,orar. No oye q ue alguien llega, pero siente las brazos
En .e t fonao. esa vi~ion de "La
y oye que le dice, "Ya, ya querida, no llores, Dios te
Raza" es a mi juicio, de carater
Que clase de amor es este que deja tan to dolor y
manicaista, termino tipico de los
conciencia de quien es.·
hiere el corazoir?
paises colonizados. Porque si hay
Siguen el viaje. Paran en unos pueblitos a piscar uvas. El sol la
"Chicano" por lo tanto es un
una caracteristica al colonismo es
el calor nose aguanta, sus manitas se llenan de heridas
hacer creer al colonizado que es
donde se ponen las uvas a secar. Pasa el tiempo y
inferior al colonizador. Porejemplo,
tomates. El olor es nauseabundo y los gusanos
el africano, el indio fue educado por
y feos le <!an hasco.
los ingleses para sentirse inferiores
vive tfa Marta, hermana de su mama': Se
al ingles. Del mismo modo, en
buscan casa. La g~era quiere jugar con
nuestros pueblos fuimos educados a
la escuela, pero cuando los saluda se
travez de la cultura hispanica, a
quedan viendbla sin hablar. Entre ellos hablan pero ella no los
Entonces, la palabra "Chicano" es
travez de la educacion hispanica
entiende y les dice otra vez que quiere jugar. Se van corriendo y
otra forma de definir "La Raza"
para que nosotros creyeramos que
riendose y ella se siente tan sola. Con un suspiro entra a la casa
forma mucho mas activa.
eramos inferiores a los gachupines o
pensando que si nomas pudiera ver a su abuela todo estarfa bien
En el fondo si tu ves la palabra
inferiores a los blancos, y siempre
mexico-americano, hispano, chicaotra vez.
tratando de justificar porque somos
La lleva_SU mam:;.: la escuela y el director le explica mama
no o la raza estan definiendo de
como somos, que somo flojos, que
que la nina tiene que aprender Ingles y que ya no le debtan hablar
alguna manera una mismo grupo.
somos esto. Entonces decimos "Ah,
en espanol, que no la dejen escuchar los p~grama de la radio en
Ahora, cada palabra tiene dis tin ta
pero es que somos asi."
e~a~nol, y que no le Hean la biblia o el periodico en espaii'9I. Cada
contacion de acuerdo a quien y
d1a la llevan con un maestro por su leccio'n. Es tan di11cil decir
dondo se diga. La palabra mexico" Ah que Raza!" Ese es el termino
y "kitchen." Sursh, kishen es mas facil pero el maestro
negative. No comparto yo ese pun to americano no tiene ninguna conotase
la hace que repite las palabras hasta que ella tiene el
de vista pero si es utilizado. Tu vas al
como el. Hasta que le quitan su idioma, para que
campo y escuchas que alguien hizo
mas, un grupo choco en en carro y
"You have such beautiful green eyes my dear. Are you
una postura politica. La palabra
otros cuentos. " Ah pero que Raza!
Somos Asl."
"No! I'm Mexican." "Oh, you 're so fair, you don't look like a
general porque dentro de este
Why don't you say you 're Spanish instead?"" I'm Mexican!"
El Dia De la Raza
don't have to get so huffy. I was just trying to help
ceritroamer"En nuestra cultura, El DIA DE
su idioma, su cultura, y ahora le quieren
LA RAZA se celebra el 12 de octubre
que coincide con el dia del des· hablantes. T odas caben dentro de la
cubrimiento de America.

Consuelo Gallegos Biggers
Ahora, porque "El Dia DE LA palabra hispanico, aunque con
RAZA" para el dia del descubrl- distinta conotacion y sentido.
mlento de America? La expli-entrevista conducida por
cacion que daban era la del naciRaul Z. Moreno
miento de una cultura y de un grupo
racial unido a Espana. Esto es
Letters, short stories, poems, and articontradictorio porque claro dice que
des, are welcome. We reserve the right to
es el nacimiento de una nueva Raza.
edit materials. All material must be signed
de Aztlan
Maria Bergeron, Jaime Juarez,
Sin embargo nosotros celebramos
and typed and remain property of La
Raul Moreno, Pat Reyes, Albert Robles,
"La Semana de La Raza" el dia 5
founded In 1969
Voz. Deadline for submission is one week
Ben Zayas
be/ore printing.
de mayo. Por que? Que es lo que se
We are located at CSU, Fresno, c/o
celebra es el intento mexicano de
Daily Colleigan, Keats Bid.
parar a los franceses en su proceso
Akemi Miyama
Marcella Martinez
For more information, call 294-2486.
de invasion de Mexico. En el fondo


Is The Cinco de Mayo
By Dr. Jesus Luna

Every Cinco de Mayo undoubtedly, some
misinformed journalist, local radio commentator or television announcer states
that the Cinco de Mayo is celebrated as
Mexican Independence day. This is simply
not true. Mexico obtained its independence on September 16th. The Cinco de
Mayo is also a national holiday in Mexico
but it commemorates a mexican victory,
against a French army at the City of Puebla,
Puebla on May 5, 1862. The Cinco de
Mayo occurred 41 years after Mexican
The historical events leading to this
memorable day have their origins in the
mid 1850's. In 1855, an armed movement
led by the liberal faction in Mexico.ousted
Antonio Lopez Santa Anna from power.
This uprising, known as the Revolution of
Ayutla brought together some of the most
original and creative minds in Mexico.
Individuals such as Melchor O'Campo,
Santos Degollado, Guillero Prieto and
Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada emerged. The
real leader of ths liberal faction, however
was Benito Juarez. These men had a
sense of social consciouness and a
profound desire to see Mexico shed its
political shame of the past 34 years. As a
general rule, they were anti-clerical and
anti-military. Most of them deeply
mistrusted the church hiearchy and had
little use of the ambitious and self serving
officers of the Mexican army. .
When the liberals came to power in
1855, they proceded to pass a series of
laws which separated Church and state
and reduced the privileges of the clergy
and the army. As a result of these "laws of
the reform," conservatives in Mexico,
supported by the clergy and the military
rebelled against the liberal government.
Mexico thus became involved in another
civil war known as the War of the Reform.
· After three years of sttuggle, the war of
the reform ended in January of 1861. The
liberal faction, now lead by President Benito
Juarez emerged victorious. The war of
the reform, however had left the country
in ruins. Its economy was depleted, the
treasury was drained and what the
country needed most was a period of
peace for reconstruction to take place.
The biggest problem facing the nation

was fina 11
amonted t
worse, its
by Mexico
40 yearso
ation, Pr
debt for
agreed to
Their pla
With th
in Dece111
they wer
two thou
foreign t
nations i
with Jua
to resol\1
of these
that the
alistic d
a month
.h ad been
l:aty . .
to pass t
at Puebl
the Mexi
one of h'
the Ref
and whe
uaaz wb
and infli
proud f
back fro
City of
an ar
over the
The F 1
not end. I
were def

e the monthly deficit
00. To make matters
n creditors, primarily
and Spain, began t~
t of debts owed to them
of the debts were over
ssible economic situt Juarez decided to
ent of Mexico's foreign
vear period. After he
'sion in July of 1861, the
ions met in London and
occupation of Mexico.
o occupy the · port of
ply all of the customs
n to occupy the Mexican
Spanish troops arrived
61. By January of 1862,
by British marines and
nch troops. Once the
re on Mexican soil, the
' the three occupying
series of conferences
ernment in a n attempt
ute. During the course
ces, it became obvious
harbored notions of
ult of the French imperingland a nd Spain res in April of 1862. W ithin
emoval ·of English and
Fre nch troops, which
reed with an additional
o march towards Mexico
g that the invaders had
uebla to reach Mexico
onfront the French army
signed the command of
ps to Ignacio Zaragoza,
Is in the rece1.1t war of
ragoza positioned his
the outskirts on Puebla
rmidable French army
ere mauled down by ·
harp shooters and the
icinity who used their
effectively. The decisive
ay was accomplshed by
general named Portfirio
nked the French army
y casualties on them.
is humilating defeat, the
my was forced to pull
a a nd retreated to the
Veracruz to await rewas a shameful loss for
as supposed to be the
. Thus Mexico added the
the National calendar in
of this Mexican victory
ervention however did
arning that his troops
Puebla, Louis Napoleon

Bonaparte III, send 30,000 more men to
Mexico. The reinforced French army once
again layed siege to Puebla in March of
1863. After holding out for two months
the starved defenders of Puebla surren.d ered and the French army moved toward
the former Aztec capital. In June of 1863,
they occupied Mexico City and established a provsional government under
Mexican conservatives and supported by
the French army.
In Europe, by the time the French troops
occupied the Mexican Capital, Louis
Napoleon decided to establish a monarchy
in. Mexico. -The French emperor and his
conservative Mexican allies agreed that
the archduke of Austria, Ferdinand
Maximillian of Hapsburg, a nephew of
Louis Napoleon III would be a suitable
candidate. In October of 1863, the Mexican conservatives met with him and
offered him the throne. Maximillian also
met with his uncle and he, maximilliam, .
pledged to pay all of the expenses incurred
by the French troops while stationed in
Having made the necessary arrangements, Maximillian and his wife Carlotta
arrived in Mexico at the end of May, 1864.
For the next three years, French troops
fought against the troops of Benito
J uarez .
The French interve ntion violat ed the
premises of the Monroe Doctrine . However due to the fact that the United States.
allowed guns and munitions to cross the
border to the Juaristas. In addition the
U.S. sent troops to the border and put
pressures along with threats of War from
Prussia and angry· demonstrations in
F ranee by French citizens who were being
forced to pay for the monarchy, finally
caused the French emperor to withdraw
the troops from Mexico.
The gradual withdrawal of French
troops, commencing in November,. 1_866
left Maximillian in a vulnerable posd1on.
The Juaristas, reinforeced with guns and
muntions from the United States began
military offensive and by May, 1867 they
defeated the remaining French troops
and captured Maximillian. Maximillian
was tried by a mlitary court and sentenced to death. On the Morning of June
19, 1867 he along with two Mexican
conservative officers were executed by a
firing squad on the outskirts of the City of
Queretaro at the Hill of the Bells.
The liberal party and Benito Juarez
finally emerged triumphant. The French
had been deterred from ·imposing themselves on the Western Hemisphere and El
Cinco de Mayo became a symbol of
resistance against foreign invaders.
Mexicans and Chicanos, proud of their
ancestral past celebrate this day in honor
of the victory against the French.

Semana de la Raza

Page 6

Cinco de Mayo

To me "Chieano-'~means different things depending on who is_
using the word. Soy Mexicano pero nomas Los de mas Mexicanos
me pueden /lamar Chicana - No me gusta cuando los que no son
Mexicanos lo dicen, porque se me ·hace que usan la palabra en
una manera derogatoria.
Chicana quiere decir orgu/lo y honor. No es decir que nos
creemos mejor que otrajente pero es saber que si somos mejor en
todos respetos.
We are set apart, unique, special because of our heritage Going back to before the conquest - Our ancestors were
warriors or hard workers. Whatever they did, they learned to do
well. This was passed on to us and we can walk proud because of
Things, events seem to touch us more deeply, or perhaps it's
just that we're not afraid to show what we feel. "El abrazo" is a
way of showing our feelings for each other without embarrassment or fear. Asi se concoce la raza, y por las canciones que
cantamos, los sentimientos que expresamos.
Our culture teaches more respect for the elder and humility
without subservience. We have more extended families because
we know that it takes support from many to survive.
Perhaps some of us carry a lot ofanger within us because of the
slights and cuts we've felt directed toward us from non-Mexicans,
but knowing that we're better helps us to endure. Others can not
diminish us.
I don't know much about the Chicano lifestyle because Mama
brought us away from it when we came to California. Even
though we lived in an international neighborhood we were never
around just Mexicanfami/ies after that, exct;pt when we went to
visit in Arizona. Then I married and traveled overseas to many
different countries so we were just "americans. "Now I'm alone
and except for my friends on campus I have no one around me
that's Mexican. I don't go out at all so I don't know anything
I have seen how others react to chicanos and I've heard the
word used as if it were an epithet; but then we see or hear things
colored by our own experiences so maybe what I think I see and
hear isn't true at all. I just know I'm glad I'm Mexican. There's
not another race in the world I would rather be, but if I did have
to be anything else, I would like to be Jewish.
I think God made me for a special purpose and for that
specialness I had to be something strong,· so he made me
"Chicana. "

l Por que Celebramos
- el
S de mayo
Estados Unidos?
Los libros de historia de Mexico nos dicen: "El memorable 5 de mayo
d_e., 1~62 ata~o el Conde Lorencez con arreglo al arte de la guerra, al
eJerc1to mex1cano compuesto de cuatro mil hombres a las 6rdenes del
valiente General Ignacio Zaragoza, que defend~ los cerros de Loreto y
Guadalupe, ro~piendo el fuego de canin a las doce del dia. Cuatro
columnas de mil hombres cada una lanzo el jefe frances y todas fueron
rechazadas tres veces, teniendo que abandonar el cam po a las cuarto de la
tarde, con una perdida de 513 entre muertos y heridos, impidiendo un
fuerte aguacero que se continuara la persecuci6n, que era tambien dificil,
porque derrotados los invarsores como estaban, tenian todavfa mas
fuerza_numerica que Z~rag~za. El ejercito frances, decfa este caudillo, se
ha bat1do con mucha b1zara; su general enjefe se ha portado con torpeza
en_ el ataque, las armas naciona - les se ban cubie~to de gloria ... puedo
afirmar con orgullo que ni un solo momento volvi6la espalda al enemigo
el ejercito mexicano durante la larga lucha que sostuvo."
Este discurso historico justifica y explica parcialmente la celebracion
del 5 de mayo en la Republica Mexicana, pero no en los Estados Unidos.
El hech~ de que la pobla~i~n de ~igen mexicano sea un conglomerado
compartidor de las trad1c10nes c1vico culturales mexicanas, tampoco
aclara la pregunta implicada en el titulo, ya que no festejamos,
exceptuando "El Grito de Dolores," otras fiestas patrias importantes
como el 20 de noviembre: Celebracion de la Revolucion Mexicana de
· 1910; el 5 de febrero: Constituciones de 1857 y 1917, etc. Entonces, por
que celebramos el 5 de mayo en los territorios de Aztlan? Quien inicio
esta fiesta? Al parecer, indirectamente, Don Porfirio Diaz. Como todos
sabemos, este controvertido dictador participotambien en la "Batalla de
Puebla" del "memorable 5 de mayo." Por lo tanto, cuando don Porfirio
estuvo en el poder ordeno que el 5 de mayo se celebrara con igual
esplen1or. que el 16 de septiembre: lndependencia de Mexico, puesto que
el hab1a s1do uno de los protagonistas en la "Batalla de Puebla."
Porteriormente, al iniciarse el movimiento de la Revolucion M-exicana, muchos de los porflristas exiliados en los Estados U nidos
siguieron festejando el 5 de mayo en la zona fronteriza de la Union
Americana, creando asf'esta tradicion que perdura hastas nuestros dias
pero sin D1az.
Dr. Cosme Zaragoza




Marcha de Justicia
, La Union de Trabajadores campesinos (UFW) invitan al publico en
eneral a una marcha, en contra de Deukmejian y los rancheros de
producen una de mesa.

Se llevara acab[!: Viernes, Cuatro de Mayo·
En la esquina Academy y Calle parlier
en Parlier
10:00 a.m.
Vengan Y Apoyemos


Semana de Ia Raza

Page 7

A Better Understanding Of Our Culture
By Ernesto Martinez
During Mexico's colonial period, Spain jealously guarded its colony
from cultural influences from other European nations. Especially those
powers which the Spaniards considered a threat to its colony, primarily
England and France.
As a consequence, the mestizo culture that developed in Mexico and
the Southwest (USA) was a blending of the Indian and Spanish culture
with the latter asserting a predominant influence.
It wasn't until Mexico gained its independence from Spain (1821) that
Mexico opened its doors to other countries of the world.

Mexico, however, still maintained strong cultural ties with its mother
country, Spain, and remained" Spanish" culturally until the beginning of
the twentieth century.
It was during the second half of the nineteenth century that the music
and dances from Eastern Europe started to gain popularity throughout
Mexico, particularly, in the North.
The waltz and its related forms (polka, shottise, redovas) received
considerable resistance from the conservative Catholic Church which
still maintained strong ties with Spain.
This resistance centered supposedly on moral rather than cultural
grounds. Despite the opposition from the Catholic Church, the music ·
and dance from Eastern Europe started to take roots in Mexico
especially among the aristocratic class.
The establishment of the Maximilian Empire in 1864 reinforced the
predilection for this type of m usic and dance.
Maximilian and his wife, Carlota, came from Europe's finest aristocratic society and entertained their Mexican guest in the finest European
tradition. The courtly dances that were performed during this period in
time, besides the waltz and its related/orms, were the French Quadrilles,

or most commonly known in Spanish as cuadril/as.
The cuadrillas were a French variation of the English country dance.
_They were reminiscent of the square dances that we see today except that
they were danced in a much more stately fashion.
Penetration of French soldiers to the northern part of Mexico,
brought this "latest" style of dance to this region where it quickly
underwent certain changes and quickly acquired a unique norteno
Even though this style of dance is no longer popular, the word
"cuadrilla "is still in popular use today but in a different sense. The term is
used to refer to a group of people who work in the fields.
Another cultural tradition left by the French are the musical groups
which accompany the dancers of Ja/isco called mariachi.
During this short lived reign of Maximilian, there existed in Jalisco,
Mexico, musical groups which played at various official ceremonies and
social events. These un-named ensembles were especially popular with
the French and with the Mexican aristocracy at wedding receptions.
The French attempted to Hispanize the French word mariage
(marriage) by appending a "chi" to the word and as a consequence, these
groups that played at the weddings were christened mariachi.
These are but a few examples of the cultural legacy left by the French
during their short stay in Mexico.
The cultural influence that took place during this period oftime is still
felt by many M exicans and Chicanos alike but have been obscured by
time and space.
Mexican/ Chicano culture is rich in history and tradition and kno wledge of it can only lead to a better understanding ofour heritage and real
pride in ourselves.

Chicana Heads Elections Committee
Pat Reyes
Staff Writer

For twenty-year-old Margaret
Reyes, newly elected CSUF Elections
Committee Chairperson, she has one
special goal in mind as chairperson:
"I have a special interest in seeing
ethnic students get involved and run
for positions," Reyes said.
Overall though, "I do want to see
all students vote and participate in
the elections process."
Reyes assumed her position in
February of this semester and will
retain the position until the end of
the school year.
Her role as chairperson includes:
making sure campus elections run
smoothly; making sure none of the
by-laws are broken; and getting
students to participate in the voting
CSU F is faced with some serious

campus issues, she said, like racism
and sexism. She agrees that high
tuition fees and financial aid cutbacks are making it difficult for
students to attend college.
She questioned the small size of
the La Raza Studies Department
and the low enrollment for Latinos
at CSUF.
By Students becoming involved in
the electoral process on campus, she
said students then have power to
vote into office those candidates
who are concerned with these campus
Change is something Reyes hopes
to be a part of. She said her
involvement with several CSU F
campus clubs, as well as her family
upbringing has taught her to be
informed of controversial issues at a
young age.
Reyes is currently the treasurer

Tewaquachi, a Native American
Indian club. She is secretary of Las
Adelitas and is a member of MEChA.
She explained that she plays an
active role on campus because, "I
like to be involved and I'd like to see
other women involved."
Her parents were instrumental in
exposing her to the political strife of
the farmworkers while she was
growing up. She said her parents
were important role models for her.
Her father, the late Jose A. Reyes,
was, a Fresno representative and
organizerforthe United Farmworkers
He was considered by Fresnans to
be influential in community affairs
as well as playing an active role with
the U FW in the San Joaquin Valley
and in several eastern states.
Reyes reflected back in her past
vJhen she participated with her family

Campus Alliance

School Elections
May 7th, 8th, & 9th

in the grape boycotts by saying "It
was the natural thing to do,"
As a result, Reyes said she has
learned from her past to be nonviolent, respectful, kind and
She said that her personal
experiences, in the farmworker
.movement, has inspired her to
pursue a career in law and work as a
lawyer for the UFW and also teach
She said her father had always
encouraged his family to pursue a
career and spend at least one year
working with the UFW.
For the meantime, Reyes said she
is pursuing a bachelors of arts
degree in liberal studies and is
minoring in La Raza Studies. She is
a junior and works as a peer advisor
for the Educational Opportunities


11 :00 Bienvemda (Welcome)
Manuel Pena
11 :15 Mariachi Zapopan
12:15 Danza Azteca Dance Group
EVENING ACTIVITIES "Women in Politics; The Future
of the Democratic Party"
8:00 Senator Polly Baca Baragan
Lecture Series: Admission
$1:00 Students/Faculty
$3.00 general admission

12:30 Film: El Norte
Evening Showing
7:00 Film: El Norte

11 :00 T eatro De Los Pobres
12:00 Speaker:_ Cesar Chavez
"United Farm Workers
1 :00 Reception by MEChA

7:30 Enterta_
Mariachi De La Tierra
Los Faros
Danzantes de Aztlan
$2.00 Student/ Facuity
. $3.00 General admi,sion
Sponsor d by: CU programmir ig

9:00 - 11 :00 Children's Performances
11 :00 - 11 :45 Daniel Ramirez- V~ntriloquist
12 :oo _ 1 :00 Pinatas for children


5:30 - 6:30 Antojitos.and Refreshments
Music by: Mariachi Zapopan
6:45 - 7:00 Welcome:· _Dr. Harold Haak
7:00 - 7:20 Special Presentation:
Ade I it as Sentimientos de
Mama Essay Contest
7:30 - 8:30 Guest Speaker
Mr. Henry Gradillos Principal,
Garfield High School
8:30 - 9:30 Entertainment
Los Alacranes Mojados






1 J:00 - 1:00 Mariachi Aguila
11 :15 & 12:00 Charros
1 :00 - 1:30 Sequoia School Dancers
1:30 - 2:00 WANGO
2:00 - 3:00 Clovis Marimba Band



8:00 - 12:00 midnight
Cinco De Mayo Dance
· Music by Sound Patrol


April 29-May 3

a Voz de Aztlan
CSU, Fresno

Semana De La Raza Special Edition


Semana de la Raza

page 2

Cinco de Mayo

Dia De Las Madres _ __
I sit by the window gazing out at the open field
full of wild flowers and watch the ground squirrels
scampering about. I try to do my work, but my
thoughts keep straying to my mother, I remember
one day especially, when I was about four, and can
picture myself clearly as I stand in front of her with
my hands behind my back.
"Ya se l/ega el dies de mayo
y cornienzo a preparar,
un linda canastita
para mi bµena mama.
Tiene flores,
tiene rosas y clave/es y malvon.
Te la presento mamacita
con todo mi corazon."
Con el corazon Ueno de amor, le presento la flor,
ya marchitada a mi mama y ella con una sonrisa se
agacha y me dan un gran abrazo y dice, "Gracias
Otra vez comienzo mis que .haceres; but I'm lost
once more in my day dreams. Como paginas en un
album de fotografias, retratos de mi mama pasan
por mi mente. I see her sitting at the table, with a
screw driver in her hand taking the iron apart
because it won't heat. I think she is so wonderfully
smart because she put all the pieces together again
and it worked!
She's dragging the huge, long sack to the weighing
machine. The men and women mill around the
truck bed as the field boss puts the sack on the
scale. They're all laughing and teasing because

"Choche" is the best cotton picker around and
none of the men have been able to beat her record.
Today one boastful braggart is sure he has, but her
bag weights two pounds more than his does and all
her friends cheer. I'm so pround I nearly burst with
Walking very late at night, I see her reading a
book by the light of an oil lamp. The next day, in
the coolness of the early morning, while she does
the ironing for the gringo ranchers, she tells the
stories in Spanish to las vesinas who gather around.
I remember the comments and the exclamations of
admiration they make as she draws word pictures
for them. "Fijate!" "Ai! Que maravilloso." "De
verp'i'>" Oh the pride I feel as I listen to women. The
ltorie'b are forgotten but not the wonder, or the
fragrance of the hot iron on the cotton cloth.
Traveling to California so that she can give us a
better life; we a rrive at a place called Kingsburg. A
man hires us to pick grapes, but there's nowhere for
us to live except the open field; so she gets some
fruit drying trays and erects a lean-to. She gets
some wooden boxes together, turns them upside
down and makes our bed. Then we help gather
river rocks so she can build a camp fire to cook our
supper. I watch in wonder an believe there's
nothing she can't do.
She taught us by example, and she never asked
anyone to do something she wouldn't do herself.
Thank You Mama! I'm so glad God gave you me. I
love you. Happy Mother's Day.
Consuelo Gallegos Biggers

Ya se acercan las celebraciones de que sale de Aztlan que es elegido por que los grupos de origen caucaciano, que fue el imperio espanol y posterior''La Raza" que duraran toda una los dioses para peregrinar y llegar blancos, son los grupos que basica- mente nuestras naciones latinoamerisemana. En est a ocasi!n las ce- hasta ·el lugar elejido que es donde la mente han dominado las sociedades canas.
/ebraciones se 1/evaran a cabo del 29 serpiente esta parada sobre un nopal coloniales, las sociedades indepenComo forma de reaccionar ante
de Abril al 3 de Mayo.
comiendose a una serpiente.
dientes, las sociedades "naciones" en est a do min a c i o n b 1an ca , 1a
Todo parece estar dispuesto y
Esa es parte de la leyenda de un Ame'f ica Latina.
palabra "ta Raza" refl~a primero
todos parecen tener una idea c/ara pueblo privilegiado que es capaz de
Pero sin embargo ha existido en que todo la diferenciacion con estos
de lo que se celebrarr.
tomaryd~rigireldestinodeunanaci6n. diversos perio~os de tiempo como grupos blancos y la glorificacion de
Yo no sabfa mucho de/ asunto y se
Porquelosgruposaparecendefinidos una idealizacion de lo que es in- aqellos aspectos que son nativ~s
me ocurrit' entrenistar al doctorrk
➔~ pero que sn embargo t a m bien
Manuel Figueroa-profesor de "La
contienen elementos de caracter
Raza Studies" quien me dio buenas
~ •
~ "La Raza" por lo tanto es un
"Hay dos formas de ver la
termino que implica primero que
definici&n o la conotaci&n de!
todo un espiritu comunitario, es
tfrmino"LaRaza". Unaeslaqueyo
~decir, algo que se comparte entre
dirfa la conotaci8n de car~ter
toda la gente que mas alla" de las
formal, ideal, normativa; la otra es
ideas polit icas, mas alla de los
de conotacid"n que dirt'amos de
"* , >tr ,J. Wk
.,,. . -rtMk
problemas de clases hay algo que es
conotacion que diriamos de caracter como" La Raza?" Por queaparecen dfgena. Durante la revolucion igual para todos aquellos que viven
definidos en fro ma racial en vez de mexicana, por ejemplo, aparece muy en esas regiones, y es su origen
En el fondo se trata del mismo verse definidos en forma de grupos claro todo lo que se llama "mexica- racial.
concepto, pero visto desde dos humanos o tribus?
nismo," el espiritu del mexicanismo
"La Raza" aparece por lo tanto
perspectivas difersntes. Desde una
. Porq~e ~~sicamente es fruto de la que es una vuelta al yasado, una como un termino glorificante. Un
perspectiva academica, el termino d1ferenc1ac16n entre_,Srupos humanos vuelta a las ra:ices indtgenas , to mar termino que lo saca de su situacion
"La Raza" ejemplifica una mezcla que apar~ce despues de la conquista. los elementos indigenas y tratar de subyugada, de su situacion doentre dos culturas y el pu~to racial Desp~e:s durante el periodo de plasmarlos en la realidad mexicana minada, y la transforma en algo
de ellas: la cultura hispanica y la c~l~mahsmo y el periodo de domina- que existia en ese momento.
glorificante. de la misma forma en
cultura nativa india en latinoam'frica. c1on espanola, y posteriormente, el
Esto es muy claro en todos los que durante la revolucion mexicana
El termino "La Raza" est{ por lo nacimiento o division que aparece murales, por ejemplo, en Mexico del y posteriormente todo el espiritu
tanto definiendo parte de lo que es el en nuestras naciones enJre el grupo mexicano en la epoca de la revolucion indigena fue glorificado, fue cammestizaje.
blanco y el grupo indTgena, difer- en la cual se ve como tod~ una biado , fue transformado en algo
Tiene. tamb1en una conotacion enciacion que es de caracter racial y exhaltacion de los valores indigenas. positivo, algo bello, algo imp orc6smica que es muy i~eresante. La tambien de caracter de clase. Dos Si uno observa, por ejemplo, los tante.
leyenda azteca tambien coloca a La diferencia ciones.
murales que existen en el palacio de
Por ejemplo, una indicacion de
Raza azteca, el grupo azteca, como
Si uno observa la historia de como el Zocalo en Mexico, lo que hay es la eso es dentro de la cinematografia
al grupo elegido por los dioses para estos dos o tres grupos raciales se historia de la glorificacion de lo mexicana donde se glorifica al indio.
constituirse en el grupo dominante comportan a lo largo del proceso de indigena, y justamente la condena, Hay varias peliculas,.por ejemplo, la
dentro del imperio azteca. Por lo colonialismo, del proceso de inde- la denuncia, de las atrocidades de los per/a, Macario en las cuales el indio
tanto tiene raiz indigena. E_s el grupo pendencia, lo que parece claro es espanoles y los blancos dentro de lo
see Ra za, Page 3

JQ ue E s La Raz a •?




Semana de la Raza

continue from page 2

aparece como poseyendo todas las
grandes virtudes que no existen en el
blanco. Por lo tanto "La Raza"
tambien habla de virtudes que son
comunes a ese grupo y que escacean
en otros. La virtud del carino, la
compasion, la honradez, etc. aparecen como virtudes encarnadas en
ese grupo y que aparecen los otros
grupos como no teniendolas. Los
blancos aparecen como egoistas,
ladrones, sinverguenzas, etc.
"La Raza" es un termino
glorificante. Es un termino que exhalta
las vitudes de un grupo que ha sido
historicamente subyugado como es
el grupo latino, el grupo mestizo
sobre todo.

Sentido Fatalista
Si vas al campo y alguien se
emborracho: " AH QUE RAZA!

lo que se celebra es basicamente la
autodeterminacion, la necesidad que
tiene los grupos humanos para autodeterminarse. Segundo, se esta
celebrando el deseo de Mexico de
defender su independencia, de no ser
invadido, de no ser dominado por
fuerzas extranjeras.
Eso se traduce aca como el deseo
de la comunidad de tambien poder
vivir dentro de esta sociedad en
forma independiente sin ser discriminad os sin ser prejuiciados y sin ser
diferencia dos racialmente.
El concepto por la tanto es de
independencia. La celebracion del 5
de mayo aca tiene una conotacion de
deseo de libertad, deseo de independencia de ser libres en una
sociedad en la cual no lo son.
"La Raza" tiene sentido positivio.
Es lo que la comunidad tiene en
comun. No emporta cuan diferente
seamos en ingresos, ese aspecto es
comun. Nadie nos lo puede guitar
porque situ te miras al espejo y yo
me miro al espejo, somos "Raza."
Siempre vamos a ser eso, nos guste o
no nos guste."

page 3

Donde Pertenezco?

"Cuando se 1/egue la Noche Buena
voy a pedirle a Santa Claus, pues
que me traiga una morena, y que
si puede me traiga dos ...
Porque las gueras descoloridas
son desabridas para el amor. "

La l_lubia nina chiq~ita, de ojos verdes estaba parada muy
derech1ta, con SUS mamtas hechas nudos, volteandose mientras
los demas ninos tomados de las manos la rodeaban, cantando ese
verso tan hiriente. "Pero no llorre" ella pensaba.
Al fin la dulce voz de su abuelita la llama y se van corriendo los
que la atormentaban y ella corre y se arroja a los brazos de la
unica persons
en todo el mundo que lac quiere sin condiciones '
C on ella s1 se puede mostrar cuanto doha el hiriente verso de esos
ninos. "Ya, ya querida, no Hores, Dias te ama." Quien es este
"Dios"? Y si me quiere tanto, porque los deja que me hagan

La Raza - diflnlclon popular
La definicion popular no es un
termino glorificante, es un termino
"Ahora, es bien sabido que el
justificante. Justifica la existencia
de los terminos cambia
de determinado tipo de debilidades. ·
Llego el dia en que dejan atras su tierra, su casa, y la gente
Una forma es la
Como el que tiene cita a las 10:00
para viajar a California. Temprano en una manana paran
palabra Chicano que por cierto
pero llega hasta la I :00. " HA QUE
para descansar. Mientras los demas entran a una
tiempo tuvo una conotacion negaRAZA! SOMOS ASI."
se quedo afuera, observando todo lo que veia
tiva, de desprecio a los miembros de
Si en una fiesta se comete un
lo que ella habia conocido anterior"La Raza."
atropello "Ah que Raza!"
y todo tan verde. Escucha que viiene
Sin embargo si observas durante
En el norte se usa mucho.
y con una sonrisa a ver quien pasa.
los 60's y 70's es un termino que
El termino tiene conotacion
You dirty Mexican greasers!"
adquiere un nuevo sentido. Es un
negativa. Esta diciendo, "Bueno
termino que suplica necesariamente
pues que le vamos a hacer. Todos
una persona con muy claras ideas
Como una punalada al corazon, el dolor comienza otra vez.
tenemos defectos." Y estos defectos
aqui no hay abuelita que la conforte y ayude y comienza
son comunes porque todos provenotra
Pero aqui no hay abuelita que la conforte y ayude y
imos de ese origen.
a !!,orar. No oye q ue alguien llega, pero siente las brazos
En .e t fonao. esa vi~ion de "La
y oye que le dice, "Ya, ya querida, no llores, Dios te
Raza" es a mi juicio, de carater
Que clase de amor es este que deja tan to dolor y
manicaista, termino tipico de los
conciencia de quien es.·
hiere el corazoir?
paises colonizados. Porque si hay
Siguen el viaje. Paran en unos pueblitos a piscar uvas. El sol la
"Chicano" por lo tanto es un
una caracteristica al colonismo es
el calor nose aguanta, sus manitas se llenan de heridas
hacer creer al colonizado que es
donde se ponen las uvas a secar. Pasa el tiempo y
inferior al colonizador. Porejemplo,
tomates. El olor es nauseabundo y los gusanos
el africano, el indio fue educado por
y feos le <!an hasco.
los ingleses para sentirse inferiores
vive tfa Marta, hermana de su mama': Se
al ingles. Del mismo modo, en
buscan casa. La g~era quiere jugar con
nuestros pueblos fuimos educados a
la escuela, pero cuando los saluda se
travez de la cultura hispanica, a
quedan viendbla sin hablar. Entre ellos hablan pero ella no los
Entonces, la palabra "Chicano" es
travez de la educacion hispanica
entiende y les dice otra vez que quiere jugar. Se van corriendo y
otra forma de definir "La Raza"
para que nosotros creyeramos que
riendose y ella se siente tan sola. Con un suspiro entra a la casa
forma mucho mas activa.
eramos inferiores a los gachupines o
pensando que si nomas pudiera ver a su abuela todo estarfa bien
En el fondo si tu ves la palabra
inferiores a los blancos, y siempre
mexico-americano, hispano, chicaotra vez.
tratando de justificar porque somos
La lleva_SU mam:;.: la escuela y el director le explica mama
no o la raza estan definiendo de
como somos, que somo flojos, que
que la nina tiene que aprender Ingles y que ya no le debtan hablar
alguna manera una mismo grupo.
somos esto. Entonces decimos "Ah,
en espanol, que no la dejen escuchar los p~grama de la radio en
Ahora, cada palabra tiene dis tin ta
pero es que somos asi."
e~a~nol, y que no le Hean la biblia o el periodico en espaii'9I. Cada
contacion de acuerdo a quien y
d1a la llevan con un maestro por su leccio'n. Es tan di11cil decir
dondo se diga. La palabra mexico" Ah que Raza!" Ese es el termino
y "kitchen." Sursh, kishen es mas facil pero el maestro
negative. No comparto yo ese pun to americano no tiene ninguna conotase
la hace que repite las palabras hasta que ella tiene el
de vista pero si es utilizado. Tu vas al
como el. Hasta que le quitan su idioma, para que
campo y escuchas que alguien hizo
mas, un grupo choco en en carro y
"You have such beautiful green eyes my dear. Are you
una postura politica. La palabra
otros cuentos. " Ah pero que Raza!
Somos Asl."
"No! I'm Mexican." "Oh, you 're so fair, you don't look like a
general porque dentro de este
Why don't you say you 're Spanish instead?"" I'm Mexican!"
El Dia De la Raza
don't have to get so huffy. I was just trying to help
ceritroamer"En nuestra cultura, El DIA DE
su idioma, su cultura, y ahora le quieren
LA RAZA se celebra el 12 de octubre
que coincide con el dia del des· hablantes. T odas caben dentro de la
cubrimiento de America.

Consuelo Gallegos Biggers
Ahora, porque "El Dia DE LA palabra hispanico, aunque con
RAZA" para el dia del descubrl- distinta conotacion y sentido.
mlento de America? La expli-entrevista conducida por
cacion que daban era la del naciRaul Z. Moreno
miento de una cultura y de un grupo
racial unido a Espana. Esto es
Letters, short stories, poems, and articontradictorio porque claro dice que
des, are welcome. We reserve the right to
es el nacimiento de una nueva Raza.
edit materials. All material must be signed
de Aztlan
Maria Bergeron, Jaime Juarez,
Sin embargo nosotros celebramos
and typed and remain property of La
Raul Moreno, Pat Reyes, Albert Robles,
"La Semana de La Raza" el dia 5
founded In 1969
Voz. Deadline for submission is one week
Ben Zayas
be/ore printing.
de mayo. Por que? Que es lo que se
We are located at CSU, Fresno, c/o
celebra es el intento mexicano de
Daily Colleigan, Keats Bid.
parar a los franceses en su proceso
Akemi Miyama
Marcella Martinez
For more information, call 294-2486.
de invasion de Mexico. En el fondo


Is The Cinco de Mayo
By Dr. Jesus Luna

Every Cinco de Mayo undoubtedly, some
misinformed journalist, local radio commentator or television announcer states
that the Cinco de Mayo is celebrated as
Mexican Independence day. This is simply
not true. Mexico obtained its independence on September 16th. The Cinco de
Mayo is also a national holiday in Mexico
but it commemorates a mexican victory,
against a French army at the City of Puebla,
Puebla on May 5, 1862. The Cinco de
Mayo occurred 41 years after Mexican
The historical events leading to this
memorable day have their origins in the
mid 1850's. In 1855, an armed movement
led by the liberal faction in Mexico.ousted
Antonio Lopez Santa Anna from power.
This uprising, known as the Revolution of
Ayutla brought together some of the most
original and creative minds in Mexico.
Individuals such as Melchor O'Campo,
Santos Degollado, Guillero Prieto and
Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada emerged. The
real leader of ths liberal faction, however
was Benito Juarez. These men had a
sense of social consciouness and a
profound desire to see Mexico shed its
political shame of the past 34 years. As a
general rule, they were anti-clerical and
anti-military. Most of them deeply
mistrusted the church hiearchy and had
little use of the ambitious and self serving
officers of the Mexican army. .
When the liberals came to power in
1855, they proceded to pass a series of
laws which separated Church and state
and reduced the privileges of the clergy
and the army. As a result of these "laws of
the reform," conservatives in Mexico,
supported by the clergy and the military
rebelled against the liberal government.
Mexico thus became involved in another
civil war known as the War of the Reform.
· After three years of sttuggle, the war of
the reform ended in January of 1861. The
liberal faction, now lead by President Benito
Juarez emerged victorious. The war of
the reform, however had left the country
in ruins. Its economy was depleted, the
treasury was drained and what the
country needed most was a period of
peace for reconstruction to take place.
The biggest problem facing the nation

was fina 11
amonted t
worse, its
by Mexico
40 yearso
ation, Pr
debt for
agreed to
Their pla
With th
in Dece111
they wer
two thou
foreign t
nations i
with Jua
to resol\1
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that the
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a month
.h ad been
l:aty . .
to pass t
at Puebl
the Mexi
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the Ref
and whe
uaaz wb
and infli
proud f
back fro
City of
an ar
over the
The F 1
not end. I
were def

e the monthly deficit
00. To make matters
n creditors, primarily
and Spain, began t~
t of debts owed to them
of the debts were over
ssible economic situt Juarez decided to
ent of Mexico's foreign
vear period. After he
'sion in July of 1861, the
ions met in London and
occupation of Mexico.
o occupy the · port of
ply all of the customs
n to occupy the Mexican
Spanish troops arrived
61. By January of 1862,
by British marines and
nch troops. Once the
re on Mexican soil, the
' the three occupying
series of conferences
ernment in a n attempt
ute. During the course
ces, it became obvious
harbored notions of
ult of the French imperingland a nd Spain res in April of 1862. W ithin
emoval ·of English and
Fre nch troops, which
reed with an additional
o march towards Mexico
g that the invaders had
uebla to reach Mexico
onfront the French army
signed the command of
ps to Ignacio Zaragoza,
Is in the rece1.1t war of
ragoza positioned his
the outskirts on Puebla
rmidable French army
ere mauled down by ·
harp shooters and the
icinity who used their
effectively. The decisive
ay was accomplshed by
general named Portfirio
nked the French army
y casualties on them.
is humilating defeat, the
my was forced to pull
a a nd retreated to the
Veracruz to await rewas a shameful loss for
as supposed to be the
. Thus Mexico added the
the National calendar in
of this Mexican victory
ervention however did
arning that his troops
Puebla, Louis Napoleon

Bonaparte III, send 30,000 more men to
Mexico. The reinforced French army once
again layed siege to Puebla in March of
1863. After holding out for two months
the starved defenders of Puebla surren.d ered and the French army moved toward
the former Aztec capital. In June of 1863,
they occupied Mexico City and established a provsional government under
Mexican conservatives and supported by
the French army.
In Europe, by the time the French troops
occupied the Mexican Capital, Louis
Napoleon decided to establish a monarchy
in. Mexico. -The French emperor and his
conservative Mexican allies agreed that
the archduke of Austria, Ferdinand
Maximillian of Hapsburg, a nephew of
Louis Napoleon III would be a suitable
candidate. In October of 1863, the Mexican conservatives met with him and
offered him the throne. Maximillian also
met with his uncle and he, maximilliam, .
pledged to pay all of the expenses incurred
by the French troops while stationed in
Having made the necessary arrangements, Maximillian and his wife Carlotta
arrived in Mexico at the end of May, 1864.
For the next three years, French troops
fought against the troops of Benito
J uarez .
The French interve ntion violat ed the
premises of the Monroe Doctrine . However due to the fact that the United States.
allowed guns and munitions to cross the
border to the Juaristas. In addition the
U.S. sent troops to the border and put
pressures along with threats of War from
Prussia and angry· demonstrations in
F ranee by French citizens who were being
forced to pay for the monarchy, finally
caused the French emperor to withdraw
the troops from Mexico.
The gradual withdrawal of French
troops, commencing in November,. 1_866
left Maximillian in a vulnerable posd1on.
The Juaristas, reinforeced with guns and
muntions from the United States began
military offensive and by May, 1867 they
defeated the remaining French troops
and captured Maximillian. Maximillian
was tried by a mlitary court and sentenced to death. On the Morning of June
19, 1867 he along with two Mexican
conservative officers were executed by a
firing squad on the outskirts of the City of
Queretaro at the Hill of the Bells.
The liberal party and Benito Juarez
finally emerged triumphant. The French
had been deterred from ·imposing themselves on the Western Hemisphere and El
Cinco de Mayo became a symbol of
resistance against foreign invaders.
Mexicans and Chicanos, proud of their
ancestral past celebrate this day in honor
of the victory against the French.

Semana de la Raza

Page 6

Cinco de Mayo

To me "Chieano-'~means different things depending on who is_
using the word. Soy Mexicano pero nomas Los de mas Mexicanos
me pueden /lamar Chicana - No me gusta cuando los que no son
Mexicanos lo dicen, porque se me ·hace que usan la palabra en
una manera derogatoria.
Chicana quiere decir orgu/lo y honor. No es decir que nos
creemos mejor que otrajente pero es saber que si somos mejor en
todos respetos.
We are set apart, unique, special because of our heritage Going back to before the conquest - Our ancestors were
warriors or hard workers. Whatever they did, they learned to do
well. This was passed on to us and we can walk proud because of
Things, events seem to touch us more deeply, or perhaps it's
just that we're not afraid to show what we feel. "El abrazo" is a
way of showing our feelings for each other without embarrassment or fear. Asi se concoce la raza, y por las canciones que
cantamos, los sentimientos que expresamos.
Our culture teaches more respect for the elder and humility
without subservience. We have more extended families because
we know that it takes support from many to survive.
Perhaps some of us carry a lot ofanger within us because of the
slights and cuts we've felt directed toward us from non-Mexicans,
but knowing that we're better helps us to endure. Others can not
diminish us.
I don't know much about the Chicano lifestyle because Mama
brought us away from it when we came to California. Even
though we lived in an international neighborhood we were never
around just Mexicanfami/ies after that, exct;pt when we went to
visit in Arizona. Then I married and traveled overseas to many
different countries so we were just "americans. "Now I'm alone
and except for my friends on campus I have no one around me
that's Mexican. I don't go out at all so I don't know anything
I have seen how others react to chicanos and I've heard the
word used as if it were an epithet; but then we see or hear things
colored by our own experiences so maybe what I think I see and
hear isn't true at all. I just know I'm glad I'm Mexican. There's
not another race in the world I would rather be, but if I did have
to be anything else, I would like to be Jewish.
I think God made me for a special purpose and for that
specialness I had to be something strong,· so he made me
"Chicana. "

l Por que Celebramos
- el
S de mayo
Estados Unidos?
Los libros de historia de Mexico nos dicen: "El memorable 5 de mayo
d_e., 1~62 ata~o el Conde Lorencez con arreglo al arte de la guerra, al
eJerc1to mex1cano compuesto de cuatro mil hombres a las 6rdenes del
valiente General Ignacio Zaragoza, que defend~ los cerros de Loreto y
Guadalupe, ro~piendo el fuego de canin a las doce del dia. Cuatro
columnas de mil hombres cada una lanzo el jefe frances y todas fueron
rechazadas tres veces, teniendo que abandonar el cam po a las cuarto de la
tarde, con una perdida de 513 entre muertos y heridos, impidiendo un
fuerte aguacero que se continuara la persecuci6n, que era tambien dificil,
porque derrotados los invarsores como estaban, tenian todavfa mas
fuerza_numerica que Z~rag~za. El ejercito frances, decfa este caudillo, se
ha bat1do con mucha b1zara; su general enjefe se ha portado con torpeza
en_ el ataque, las armas naciona - les se ban cubie~to de gloria ... puedo
afirmar con orgullo que ni un solo momento volvi6la espalda al enemigo
el ejercito mexicano durante la larga lucha que sostuvo."
Este discurso historico justifica y explica parcialmente la celebracion
del 5 de mayo en la Republica Mexicana, pero no en los Estados Unidos.
El hech~ de que la pobla~i~n de ~igen mexicano sea un conglomerado
compartidor de las trad1c10nes c1vico culturales mexicanas, tampoco
aclara la pregunta implicada en el titulo, ya que no festejamos,
exceptuando "El Grito de Dolores," otras fiestas patrias importantes
como el 20 de noviembre: Celebracion de la Revolucion Mexicana de
· 1910; el 5 de febrero: Constituciones de 1857 y 1917, etc. Entonces, por
que celebramos el 5 de mayo en los territorios de Aztlan? Quien inicio
esta fiesta? Al parecer, indirectamente, Don Porfirio Diaz. Como todos
sabemos, este controvertido dictador participotambien en la "Batalla de
Puebla" del "memorable 5 de mayo." Por lo tanto, cuando don Porfirio
estuvo en el poder ordeno que el 5 de mayo se celebrara con igual
esplen1or. que el 16 de septiembre: lndependencia de Mexico, puesto que
el hab1a s1do uno de los protagonistas en la "Batalla de Puebla."
Porteriormente, al iniciarse el movimiento de la Revolucion M-exicana, muchos de los porflristas exiliados en los Estados U nidos
siguieron festejando el 5 de mayo en la zona fronteriza de la Union
Americana, creando asf'esta tradicion que perdura hastas nuestros dias
pero sin D1az.
Dr. Cosme Zaragoza




Marcha de Justicia
, La Union de Trabajadores campesinos (UFW) invitan al publico en
eneral a una marcha, en contra de Deukmejian y los rancheros de
producen una de mesa.

Se llevara acab[!: Viernes, Cuatro de Mayo·
En la esquina Academy y Calle parlier
en Parlier
10:00 a.m.
Vengan Y Apoyemos


Semana de Ia Raza

Page 7

A Better Understanding Of Our Culture
By Ernesto Martinez
During Mexico's colonial period, Spain jealously guarded its colony
from cultural influences from other European nations. Especially those
powers which the Spaniards considered a threat to its colony, primarily
England and France.
As a consequence, the mestizo culture that developed in Mexico and
the Southwest (USA) was a blending of the Indian and Spanish culture
with the latter asserting a predominant influence.
It wasn't until Mexico gained its independence from Spain (1821) that
Mexico opened its doors to other countries of the world.

Mexico, however, still maintained strong cultural ties with its mother
country, Spain, and remained" Spanish" culturally until the beginning of
the twentieth century.
It was during the second half of the nineteenth century that the music
and dances from Eastern Europe started to gain popularity throughout
Mexico, particularly, in the North.
The waltz and its related forms (polka, shottise, redovas) received
considerable resistance from the conservative Catholic Church which
still maintained strong ties with Spain.
This resistance centered supposedly on moral rather than cultural
grounds. Despite the opposition from the Catholic Church, the music ·
and dance from Eastern Europe started to take roots in Mexico
especially among the aristocratic class.
The establishment of the Maximilian Empire in 1864 reinforced the
predilection for this type of m usic and dance.
Maximilian and his wife, Carlota, came from Europe's finest aristocratic society and entertained their Mexican guest in the finest European
tradition. The courtly dances that were performed during this period in
time, besides the waltz and its related/orms, were the French Quadrilles,

or most commonly known in Spanish as cuadril/as.
The cuadrillas were a French variation of the English country dance.
_They were reminiscent of the square dances that we see today except that
they were danced in a much more stately fashion.
Penetration of French soldiers to the northern part of Mexico,
brought this "latest" style of dance to this region where it quickly
underwent certain changes and quickly acquired a unique norteno
Even though this style of dance is no longer popular, the word
"cuadrilla "is still in popular use today but in a different sense. The term is
used to refer to a group of people who work in the fields.
Another cultural tradition left by the French are the musical groups
which accompany the dancers of Ja/isco called mariachi.
During this short lived reign of Maximilian, there existed in Jalisco,
Mexico, musical groups which played at various official ceremonies and
social events. These un-named ensembles were especially popular with
the French and with the Mexican aristocracy at wedding receptions.
The French attempted to Hispanize the French word mariage
(marriage) by appending a "chi" to the word and as a consequence, these
groups that played at the weddings were christened mariachi.
These are but a few examples of the cultural legacy left by the French
during their short stay in Mexico.
The cultural influence that took place during this period oftime is still
felt by many M exicans and Chicanos alike but have been obscured by
time and space.
Mexican/ Chicano culture is rich in history and tradition and kno wledge of it can only lead to a better understanding ofour heritage and real
pride in ourselves.

Chicana Heads Elections Committee
Pat Reyes
Staff Writer

For twenty-year-old Margaret
Reyes, newly elected CSUF Elections
Committee Chairperson, she has one
special goal in mind as chairperson:
"I have a special interest in seeing
ethnic students get involved and run
for positions," Reyes said.
Overall though, "I do want to see
all students vote and participate in
the elections process."
Reyes assumed her position in
February of this semester and will
retain the position until the end of
the school year.
Her role as chairperson includes:
making sure campus elections run
smoothly; making sure none of the
by-laws are broken; and getting
students to participate in the voting
CSU F is faced with some serious

campus issues, she said, like racism
and sexism. She agrees that high
tuition fees and financial aid cutbacks are making it difficult for
students to attend college.
She questioned the small size of
the La Raza Studies Department
and the low enrollment for Latinos
at CSUF.
By Students becoming involved in
the electoral process on campus, she
said students then have power to
vote into office those candidates
who are concerned with these campus
Change is something Reyes hopes
to be a part of. She said her
involvement with several CSU F
campus clubs, as well as her family
upbringing has taught her to be
informed of controversial issues at a
young age.
Reyes is currently the treasurer

Tewaquachi, a Native American
Indian club. She is secretary of Las
Adelitas and is a member of MEChA.
She explained that she plays an
active role on campus because, "I
like to be involved and I'd like to see
other women involved."
Her parents were instrumental in
exposing her to the political strife of
the farmworkers while she was
growing up. She said her parents
were important role models for her.
Her father, the late Jose A. Reyes,
was, a Fresno representative and
organizerforthe United Farmworkers
He was considered by Fresnans to
be influential in community affairs
as well as playing an active role with
the U FW in the San Joaquin Valley
and in several eastern states.
Reyes reflected back in her past
vJhen she participated with her family

Campus Alliance

School Elections
May 7th, 8th, & 9th

in the grape boycotts by saying "It
was the natural thing to do,"
As a result, Reyes said she has
learned from her past to be nonviolent, respectful, kind and
She said that her personal
experiences, in the farmworker
.movement, has inspired her to
pursue a career in law and work as a
lawyer for the UFW and also teach
She said her father had always
encouraged his family to pursue a
career and spend at least one year
working with the UFW.
For the meantime, Reyes said she
is pursuing a bachelors of arts
degree in liberal studies and is
minoring in La Raza Studies. She is
a junior and works as a peer advisor
for the Educational Opportunities


11 :00 Bienvemda (Welcome)
Manuel Pena
11 :15 Mariachi Zapopan
12:15 Danza Azteca Dance Group
EVENING ACTIVITIES "Women in Politics; The Future
of the Democratic Party"
8:00 Senator Polly Baca Baragan
Lecture Series: Admission
$1:00 Students/Faculty
$3.00 general admission

12:30 Film: El Norte
Evening Showing
7:00 Film: El Norte

11 :00 T eatro De Los Pobres
12:00 Speaker:_ Cesar Chavez
"United Farm Workers
1 :00 Reception by MEChA

7:30 Enterta_
Mariachi De La Tierra
Los Faros
Danzantes de Aztlan
$2.00 Student/ Facuity
. $3.00 General admi,sion
Sponsor d by: CU programmir ig

9:00 - 11 :00 Children's Performances
11 :00 - 11 :45 Daniel Ramirez- V~ntriloquist
12 :oo _ 1 :00 Pinatas for children


5:30 - 6:30 Antojitos.and Refreshments
Music by: Mariachi Zapopan
6:45 - 7:00 Welcome:· _Dr. Harold Haak
7:00 - 7:20 Special Presentation:
Ade I it as Sentimientos de
Mama Essay Contest
7:30 - 8:30 Guest Speaker
Mr. Henry Gradillos Principal,
Garfield High School
8:30 - 9:30 Entertainment
Los Alacranes Mojados






1 J:00 - 1:00 Mariachi Aguila
11 :15 & 12:00 Charros
1 :00 - 1:30 Sequoia School Dancers
1:30 - 2:00 WANGO
2:00 - 3:00 Clovis Marimba Band



8:00 - 12:00 midnight
Cinco De Mayo Dance
· Music by Sound Patrol


April 29-May 3


Item sets